The Cacao Goddess offers 100% Pure Ceremonial Cacao of the best quality from Venezuela and Peru origins.

Ceremonial Cacao

Our Ceremonial Cacao has been selected and processed in a conscious, ancestral and unique way, to guarantee a high quality pure Cacao paste.

At the Cacao Goddess, we promote the ancestral practice of honouring Cacao as a Ceremonial plant that help us connect with our heart and expand our consciousness 

Would you like to take part in our Cacao Ceremony online?

Ceremonial Cacao is an ancestral food.

Also known as raw chocolate, it has been used in Central and South America, especially by ancient and indigenous civilizations due to its powerful and magical properties for what is known as “Food of the Gods”.

Have you participated in a Cacao Ceremony?

Discover the magic of cacao

Cacao is a 'superfood' that contains a large amount of antioxidants, iron and magnesium. Its main active compound "Theobromine" increases energy and concentration levels, helping us to release serotonin and dopamine which makes us feel happier and calmer.

Drinking cacao or simply eating it in its pure form, gives us energy, vitality and even longevity.

La planta del cacao es de naturaleza femenina! Abundante y frondosa, esta planta nos recuerda cómo los recursos infinitos son generados de manera abundantemente desde la interconexión de los ecosistema del planeta.

El cacao, es un superalimento o ‘superfood’ que contiene una gran cantidad de antioxidantes, hierro y magnesio. Su principal compuesto activo “Teobromina” aumenta los niveles de energía y concentración, ayudándonos a liberar serotonina y dopamina lo que nos hace sentir más felices y tranquilos.

El tomar Cacao o simplemente comerlo en su forma pura, nos proporciona energía , vitalidad y hasta longevidad.


Discover the magic of Ceremonial Cacao

The cacao plant is feminine in nature! Abundant and leafy, this plant reminds us how infinite resources are abundantly generated from the interconnection of the planet’s ecosystems.

Ceremonial Cacao is a ‘superfood’ that contains a large amount of antioxidants, iron and magnesium. 

Its main active compound “Theobromine” increases energy and concentration levels, helping us to release serotonin and dopamine which makes us feel happier and calmer.

Drinking Ceremonial cacao or simply eating it in its pure form, gives us energy, vitality and even longevity.

Our Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial Cacao and other Ceremonial Cacao products.

Our Vision

The Cacao Goddess offers Ceremonial Cacao 100% pure of the highest quality.

At the Cacao Goddess, we promote the ancestral practice of honouring Cacao as a Ceremonial plant that help us connect with our heart and expand our consciousness ​.

Our vision is to share the best Ceremonial Cacao of Venezuela and Peru Origins in Spain, Europe and the rest of the world.

Ceremonial Cacao is a valuable tool for holistic retreat centres, wellness centres, healers, yogis, ceremony facilitators as well as individuals who wish to experience the many benefits of this powerful plant!


Ceremonial cacao for Holistic retreat center, wellness, yogis,
Cacao ceremony facilitators...

Did you know that you can buy our ceremonial cacao Venezuelan and Peruvian wholesale?


Cacao packaged with our brand for yoga studios, event, spaces or stores. 

Packages of 250g, 500g or 1 Kg..

Or Ceremonial Cacao blocks blocks so you can put your own package and brand

You can also buy Cacao nibs.

Reviews our Ceremonial Cacao from Venezuela

Ceremonial Cacao 100% Pure

-Powerful ancestral food that provides longevity.

-It helps us connect with our heart and with nature

-Full of antioxidants

-Source of magnesium

-Increases concentration levels and cognition.

-Improves energy levels and mood

-Natural aphrodisiac

Testimonials from our clients

Ceremonial Cacao Recipes and Ideas

Discover our recipes and different uses of our ceremonial cacao